Getting Started As a Homebrewer or Gamemaster

schedule 15 min



  • Learn how to run your next Campaign on Hedron
  • Learn the basics of homebrewing on Hedron

Ready to bring your game to Hedron? We’re here to help!

Hedron provides all the tools to manage your campaign as a Gamemaster, add your content with VTT support as a Homebrewer, and share your creations with others.

Note: As you go through some of these steps, some things might look a little different as it’s all dependent on the system you’re working with. Still, the general structure of the pages and the general ideas of how to use Hedron will be the same.

Creating Homebrewed Content

Creating custom content is exactly what Hedron is built for!

On Hedron, we call the various types of content (Feats, Items, Spells, etc.) “Entities”. And while the official name of the various Entity Types are based on d20-systems, System designers can rename these Entities to other names. But regardless, the basic ideas remain the same.

Remember, you don't have to own or have edit access in a system for you to be able to create Homebrew for it on Hedron!

From any entity browsing page (for example, the Spell Browsing page shown below), you can click the button in the top right to “Create a new [Entity]“. Then give your entity a name and submit to create a new page for your entity.

From your new page, enter edit mode to set all the various details of your new content. Depending on your system, these details will vary, but the overall structure will be the same.

Then finally, at the bottom of the edit page, you’ll see sharing options to control who can see your new content. You can use that to share with specific people, participants of a campaign, or a role that you can access.

You can also use these controls to add collaborative editors or grant delete permissions to other users. And don't worry, if you share content with other users, you can always make it private again.

If your homebrewing needs are more complex than just creating new entities, consider checking out Hedron's Modules feature (guide coming soon!).

Campaign Management

To create a campaign, head over to the Parties page under the "Campaigns" column of the "Content" navigation tab. From here, you can see all ongoing campaigns that have been shared with you – including your own.

To start a new one, simply click the “Create Campaign Button”. In the pop-up, give your new campaign a name, and submit to create a new campaign. It'll look a little like this:

You'll notice, Campaigns, like many entities on Hedron are set to a specific rule system. In this case, my campaign was made under the "Call to Power Rule System".

Now, enter the edit mode and fill out any information you’d like. But most importantly, in the Party Section, add players to your party by sending invitations to join your campaign, and optionally, give your party a name.

Note: for users to be invite-able, their profiles must be publicly visible or shared with you.

Once your invitation is sent, they just need to accept the invitation by selecting their character. Once they do that, you’ll see the user you invited, as well as the character they selected in your campaign party.

Once all your players have joined (or one-by-one), enter edit more and set the level for all of the characters your players have chosen. As GM, only you can decide the level of your players’ characters.

Note: The players must have defined each level of their build before you can set their level to that level.

Once all players have joined and their levels have been set, you can join sessions for your campaign to take advantage of Hedron’s built-in VTT.

Lore Management

Aside from managing the mechanical parts of your Gamemastering, Hedron also provides tools for managing the Lore of your world, no matter what form it takes.

From the Books page, you can create a book to contain all the lore of your creations. Simply click "Create Book" and give it a name. This creates a blank virtual book to house your creations — and don't worry only you can see it for now.

From here, you can click the edit button to give the book an introduction page and mark certain pages as homepages, for easy access.

Or, you can click "Create a new page" to create individual pages for all the various parts of your basic lore and fill them with links, images, and more:

There's a lot of functionalities added into books to make customization of your main lore contents easier, so feel free to explore the options as you go.

Aside from written wiki-style pages like the above, Hedron also provides functionalities to:

And as with all content on Hedron, you remain in full control of your content. Share it as you will, search it easily from the site-wide search, and download or delete it any time.

Where to Go Next?

This quick walk through explains all the basic information you need to add your homebrew and share it on Hedron.

Depending on your needs, this might be enough for you to look around and get started. But otherwise, we'll soon be adding more guides for the more complex and involved features of Hedron, so keep a look out for those!

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