Hedron Pricing

Looking for information about how Hedron's pricing will work?

Long story short, higher tiers of membership will get you higher amounts of storage! All features (with the exception of promotional features) will be available to everyone for absolutely free!

What does this mean for you?

  • If you're just playing a game you love, you can expect that you probably won't need any membership!
  • If you're homebrewing a fair amount (either as a GM or player), then you might need our lowest tier: Traveler Tier.
  • If you're a heavy homebrewer or worldbuilder, then you would be comfortable at our Adventurer tier.
  • And if you're building massive worlds with massive systems, you're probably looking at our "Publisher Tiers" like Hero or World Builder.

We wrote a full guide about it here: https://projecthedron.com/pages/6670ad020dfc477270174f31

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